O novo nome é Anette Olzon e nada tem a ver com a cantora de ópera. Mais rouqueira, voz rouca e de estilo irreverente deixou-me de pé atrás. E a classe que tinha a Tarja? Aquele encanto tão natural que ela transmitia? Fiquei desolada quando ouvi pela primeira vez... Mas já como Fernando Pessoa disse um dia: "Primeiro estranha-se, depois entranha-se". Verdade, fui preconceituosa de início, mas estou aqui para rematar: É o melhor albúm de Nightwish, sem dúvida. As músicas estão maravilhosamente bem compostas e a voz flexível da Anette superou as minhas espectativas.
Um aparte, se a música "Bye bye beautiful" foi direccionada à que fora a cantora da banda e se o que eles dizem nela é verdade, então é muito bem merecida. Eu faria o mesmo :) (não tirando o mérito vocal, está claro).
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I am here to talk to you about the most recent Nightwish's album. After Tarja left the band, I was a little bit consern about the choice of another singer... I don't know how she is in person, but as a singer she is amazing!
The new name is Anette Olzon and doesn't have anything to compare to the opera singer. Rock star like, hoarse voice and of irreverent style left me suspicious. And all the class that Tarja had? That so natural charm that she transmitted? I was desolated when I heard for the first time... But already as Fernando Pessoa said one day: "First strange-itself, afterwards penetrates-itself". Truth, I was preconceptious in the beginning, but I am here for finish off: It is doubtless the best album of Nightwish. The song are marvelously well composed and the flexible voice of Anette exceeded the my expectations.
Nevertheless, if the song "Bye bye beautiful" for the ex-singer of the band and what they said of her is the truth, then is very well deserved. I would do the same :) (Not removing the vocal merit, of course).
I am here to talk to you about the most recent Nightwish's album. After Tarja left the band, I was a little bit consern about the choice of another singer... I don't know how she is in person, but as a singer she is amazing!
The new name is Anette Olzon and doesn't have anything to compare to the opera singer. Rock star like, hoarse voice and of irreverent style left me suspicious. And all the class that Tarja had? That so natural charm that she transmitted? I was desolated when I heard for the first time... But already as Fernando Pessoa said one day: "First strange-itself, afterwards penetrates-itself". Truth, I was preconceptious in the beginning, but I am here for finish off: It is doubtless the best album of Nightwish. The song are marvelously well composed and the flexible voice of Anette exceeded the my expectations.
Nevertheless, if the song "Bye bye beautiful" for the ex-singer of the band and what they said of her is the truth, then is very well deserved. I would do the same :) (Not removing the vocal merit, of course).